
Rooftop garden oasis | Green Team project

Located above the rooftops of Berlin, the TV tower always in view, lies Bonial’s headquarters. Known for our legendary barbecues, summer parties, and networking events, after work you’ll meet us on one place above all - our huge roof terrace. Whether talking about the last pitch, the upcoming weekend, or raising a toast to the latest product - the most important part is getting together to enjoy the last rays of sunshine. 🌞


But what if we could make this special place more than just a viewing platform, like a garden? 🤔 We would not be the Green Team if we had not rolled up our sleeves on such an occasion to jump into action armed with enthusiasm, shovels, and pallets of plants.



The preparation

A garden initiative without plants is difficult, which is why our procurement team decided to make a quick trip to the nearest garden center. Not only did they return armed with boxes of greenery and soil, but also with a knowledge of plants that caused even the greenest of thumbs among our project team to tip their imaginary hats.🌸




The gardening
With the help of our office team, we created a small oasis filled with spicy lavender, fresh mint, and a selection of insect- and bee-friendly plants to keep even our smallest visitors happy. 🐝 There is nothing more relaxing on a balmy summer evening than the sound of sonorous humming and buzzing while sipping an iced Aperol.





With this project, we’re kicking off our sustainable office agenda, so stay tuned - your Greenies 💚


Green Team: We're raising awareness of environmental issues, encouraging people to talk about their ideas, and developing action plans to make sustainability an integral part of our company culture.